Replacing old commercial lights with LEDs
Barrier Electric has helped many companies in Oklahoma completely update their lighting. If you are looking for a change, upgrading the lights to LED is one of the most positive enhancements in the atmosphere of your building.
What are LEDs?
LEDs or (Light Emitting Diodes) are some of the best energy-saving and quickest developing lighting technologies around. LEDs are made to last longer, offer as good or better quality lighting, and be far more durable than other competing alternatives. They are extremely energy efficient within the spectrum of current lighting technologies. LEDs generally use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer than typical incandescent lighting. LEDs also operate at far cooler temperatures than most lighting, reducing the risk of component failure and general wear and tear. They are generally made with epoxy lenses and more resistant to breaking than typical glass bulbs.
What are the advantages of LEDs?
One of the biggest advantages of LEDs compared to traditional lighting technologies is the average lifespan.
Typically a normal LED lasts at least 50,000 to 100,000 operating hours. That’s upwards of 40 times longer than incandescent and at least twice as long as most fluorescent and similar lighting solutions.
LEDs also consume considerably lower power on average. When looking at the differences in energy consumption between LEDs and other lighting solutions we look at the amount of light emitted per unit of power consumed or luminous efficacy. In general, most LED retrofits have seen 50-75% improvement’s in lighting efficiency and depending on the current lighting and type of LED installation possibly even upwards of 90%.
LEDs also provide instantaneous off and on switching requiring no warm-up periods as in the case of metal halide lighting. Additionally, frequent switching doesn’t cause degradation. The actual devices can be extremely small even less than a tenth of a single mm2. Their size makes them incredibly adaptable for an infinite number of lighting solutions. From basic circuit board lighting to modern mood lighting, residential, and commercial property applications even major stadium lighting.
In most cases, LEDs operate at very low voltages making them perfect for lighting solutions that might otherwise not be suitable. They also can work in varying ranges of temperatures and climates without significant degradation. The number one hazard when it comes to lighting is the emission of heat. LEDs emit almost no forward heat while traditional bulbs like incandescents convert more than 90% of the total energy used to power them directly into heat. That means only 10% of the energy powering incandescent lights is actually used for light (which also makes them extremely inefficient compared to LEDs).
Since LEDs consume less power, they can operate effectively on low-voltage electrical systems. These are generally much safer in the event that something goes wrong. LEDs are solid-state lights and don’t need the glass or metal housings used in traditional lighting. LEDs do not have environmental issues common to traditional lighting solutions like fluorescent or mercury vapor lights.
Both of these traditional solutions contain mercury internal to the bulb and thus require special handling at the end of the product’s useful lifespan. None of these considerations are necessary with LEDs.
Another advantage LEDs have is that they primarily emit most of their light within the visible spectrum with very little being emitted in the ultraviolet spectrum. Meaning they are well suited to be used reliably and safely in areas that might contain items sensitive to the ultraviolet spectrum of light. They can also come in a large variety of correlated color temperature values to suit your personal preference.
If you are interested in upgrading to LEDs, give us a call for a free quote.